Year: 2012

The Shocking Truth about Aspartame

You are not going to believe this…  Hold on tight – this news may come as quite a shock:  Drinking diet soda pop and chewing sugar free gum puts the weight ON!  But there is more, and it’s not good news!  Hair loss, impotence, eczema, 

Top 5 things that can keep you from feeling happy

Here is a reminder of a few things you can avoid because they keep your body from producing the serotonin you need to feel happy: Alcohol consumption smoking cigarettes High Fructose Corn Syrup Anti-depressants & other prescription drugs Release of insulin from      too much sugar 

The top 10 things you can do to avoid the flu

One credible hypothesis that explains the seasonal nature of flu is that influenza is a vitamin D deficiency disease.  Vitamin D levels in your blood fall to their lowest point during the flu seasons.  Unable to be protected by the body’s own antibiotics (antimicrobial peptides) that are released by vitamin D, a person with low vitamin D blood level is more vulnerable to contracting colds, influenza, and other respiratory infections.  The more optimal the vitamin D level, the lower your risk of contracting colds, flu, and other respiratory tract infections.
#1 – Supplement with vitamin D-3
It makes sense –  since we’re not in the sun very much.  But it must be Vitamin D-3, not a synthetic D-2.  I would suggest a blood test to determine your current D-3 levels.  Meanwhile, talk to me about how much you can supplement with, and which product to use.
#2 – Exercise
Every time we are strenuously active we give ourselves a “fever.”  It is this temporary but significant elevation in core body temperature that destroys significant numbers of bacteria and viruses.  Immunity:  Use it or lose it!
#3 – Hot baths
Sitting immersed in a hot tub for 20 – 30 minutes can help raise your core temperature, effectively making viruses and bacteria uncomfortable and weak so your body can win the battle.
#4 – Eat the right foods
You know what I mean… avoid the sugar and snacks.  Viruses love them.
#5 – Strengthen your liver
The liver is the organ that removes toxins from your body.  You need to strengthen it so it can do its job properly thereby strengthening your immune system.  Check with me for proper supplementation.
#6 – Get adjusted
Studies show that getting a chiropractic adjustment stimulates the immune system.
#7 – Get adequate rest
Rest is always important to your immune system.
#8 – Drink adequate water
Cells can’t eliminate toxins if they are not properly hydrated.
#9 – Wash your hands frequently, and don’t share hand towels.
#10 –  Take probiotics everyday
Research shows that probiotics (like acidophilus, bifidus, mulitdophilus) stimulate and enhance the immune system of the body.

Four critical elements our bodies need!

Let’s talk about the liver.  I keep noticing that many of my patients are having symptoms of a struggling liver, so I thought I would help you understand how the liver works. Outside toxins and chemicals from drugs and sugars must go through the liver 

Startling Facts about NSAID's

With chronic, long term NSAID use the incidence of liver and kidney conditions increases, gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers are well known adverse reactions, and research reveals that NSAIDs may actually decrease the body’s ability to produce the natural smooth cartilage inside our joints! So the 

Kid's Nutrition

Kid’s Nutrition
How many times do you see parents allowing children to have candy, ice cream, soda and potato chips just to keep them quiet? For children, food provides the building blocks for healthy growth and development. Poor eating habits may result in a lack of energy during school and at play.
Synaptic growth is most significant during your baby’s first few years of life—when he or she is taking in all sorts of new input and acquiring new skills. By the time your child turns 3, each neuron has formed as many as 10,000 connections, making a total of about a quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) throughout the brain. (That’s double the number of connections in your own brain.) Synapse formation slows after the toddler years, but continues throughout childhood and into adolescence, finally reaching adult levels when your child is anywhere from 15 to 18 years old.
Different sugars affect the brain in different ways, so it is only logical to conclude that certain sugars can adversely affect the thinking and actions of some children. The sugars at fault include glucose, dextrose, and sucrose, and the highly refined, highly processed “junk sugars” found in candy, icings, syrups, packaged baked goods, and table sugar. The worst among these is high fructose corn syrup. These sugars enter the bloodstream quickly, reaching high levels in a short time. This triggers the release of large amounts of insulin, the hormone needed to escort the sugars into the body’s cells. These sugars are used rapidly, and when they’re all used up, the blood sugar level plunges to a sugar low, or hypoglycemia . The low blood sugar triggers the release of adrenal hormones (called a “sugar high”) that squeezes stored sugar from the liver, sending blood sugar levels back up. This blood sugar roller-coaster affects moods and concentration in some children and adults, leading to “sugar highs”and “sugar blues.” The ups and downs of blood sugar and adrenal hormones can also stimulate neurotransmitter imbalance, causing the child to feel fidgety, irritable, inattentive, and even sleepy.
The best sugars for the brain are complex carbohydrates. These do not cause the roller-coaster mood swings that the junk sugars do. The molecules in complex carbs are long, so it takes longer for the intestines to break them down into the simple sugars the body can use. Thus, they provide a time-release source of steady energy rather than a sudden surge followed by a sudden drop.
Here are a few tips:
Always include protein with your child’s breakfast.
Replace empty calorie foods with fruits and vegetables.
Survey your own eating habits… What foods are on hand? What are the snack choices?
Increase the variety of fresh fruit you have on hand.
Serve the vegetables that your children like best as often as possible.
Ask your children to try new foods at mealtime.
Serve small portions of a variety of food.
Don’t require them to clean their plates!
Children need vitamin and anti-oxidant supplementation, as well as omega 3 supplementation. (check with me for proper types and amounts)